Linksos Foundation

Developing Indonesia Inclusive Starting from the Villages

Cakrahayu Arnavaning Gusti (Translator)
from the original article Lingkar Sosial Indonesia by Ken Kerta

Lingkar Sosial Indonesia (LINKSOS) is a Disability Empowerment Center in Malang, East Java, catering to regions across Indonesia. LINKSOS aims to realize the respect, protection, and fulfillment of the rights of people with disabilities. Currently, LINKSOS operates in Malang Regency, Malang City, Batu City, Pasuruan Regency, and Tuban Regency

Regions and Impact

City/ Regency
Disability Posyandu
Cross-Setor Forum
Assisted Citizen

About Us

program kerja 2024-2026


The vision of LINKSOS as a center for empowering people with disabilities that reaches all regions in Indonesia.

tekad Difpala


Every activity of LINKSOS carries three main missions: advocacy, community empowerment, and cross-sectoral synergy.



LINKSOS operates in the social and humanitarian fields through advocacy and empowerment activities in health, economy, education, environment, arts and culture, accessibility, law, and human rights. LINKSOS also conducts research and publications.


Sustainability Strategy

LINKSOS facilitates the formation of cross-sector forums and empowerment groups as a sustainability strategy, including the Forum Malang Inklusi (FOMI), Forum Inklusi Kota Batu (FIK Batu), Kelompok Inklusi Disabilitas (KID), dan Satuan Komunitas Pramuka (Sako) Inklusi.


Leprosy in Nguling District

Health Sector

Environmental and community support is crucial in fulfilling the rights of people with disabilities. LINKSOS develops Posyandu Disabilitas (Disability Integrated Health Center), Nol Kusta (Zero Leprosy) and Teman Pulih (friends for psyocholgy recovery), and UKS Inklusif (Inclusive School Health Units) as forms of community empowerment in the health sector. LINKSOS has been consistent in health empowerment since 2014.

Belajar Bahasa Isyarat di Gunung Wedon

Education Sector

People with disabilities still face barriers in accessing formal education. Therefore, LINKSOS opens access to non-formal education through Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat (PKBM) or Community Learning Activity Centers reinforced by inclusive scout activities of Sako Inklusi and Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia (Bisindo) or Indonesian Sign Language socialization.

Tekad Difpala

Economic and Employment Sector

LINKSOS has been empowering the economy since 2015 through the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) unit, Omah Difabel. LINKSOS also develops the Disabilitas Siap Kerja unit to enhance access for people with disabilities in the formal sector.

Pendaftaran Anggota Difpala terbuka bagi organisasi penyandang disabilitas di Malang dan luar Malang

Environmental Sector

Difabel Pecinta Alam (Difpala) is a community empowerment unit focused on nature and environmental conservation. Since the pandemic in 2020, this community has been consistently involved in reforestation, environmental care, and disaster response.

audiensi bhandagiri

Arts and Culture Sector

Arts and culture are integral parts of human life, including for people with disabilities. Therefore, LINKSOS develops dance groups, vocal groups, painting classes, and cultural awareness through museum visits and visits to temples.

Kampanye Aksesibilitas

Accessibility Sector

LINKSOS, along with organizations for people with disabilities and public facility providers, conducts accessibility service and facility campaigns. These campaigns take the form of accessibility audits with recommendations for improving accessibility based on universal design principles.

bantuan hukum

Legal and Human Rights Sector

LINKSOS collaborates with cross-organizational groups for people with disabilities, Lembaga Bantuan Hukum (Legal Aid Institutions), and related professional organizations to provide legal and human rights education and inclusive paralegal training. The target audience includes people with disabilities, the general public, and all sectors.

alat bantu disabilitas

Research and Development Sector

Higher education institutions are the main partners in researching and developing advocacy and community empowerment models as well as adaptive disability aids. LINKSOS also collaborates with social organizations for the distribution of adaptive disability aids.


Media and Publication Sector

LINKSOS collaborates with mass media in empowering community literacy. This collaboration takes the form of covering activities, village/ community inclusive podcasts, writing workshops, and more.

National Advocacy and Partnership


Understanding between KND RI and LINKSOS in Advocacy and Community Education

The moment of signing the memorandum of understanding between the Komisi Nasional Disabilitas (KND) or National Commission on Disability of Indonesia and Lingkar Sosial Indonesia (LINKSOS) regarding policy advocacy and community education, on March 18, 2023, at Putuk Lesung, Mount Arjuno.

penandatanganan kerja sama

Collaboration between KND RI and LINKSOS in Environmental Conservation and Scouting

KND RI and LINKSOS have entered into a cooperation agreement regarding the mainstreaming of disability issues in environmental conservation and scouting activities, on Saturday, September 16, 2023, at Sanggar Bakti Pramuka Lawang.

alat bantu disabilitas

Collaboration between Ma Chung University and LINKSOS for Research on Disability Aids based on Human Welfare

Ma Chung University has been collaborating with Lingkar Sosial Indonesia (LINKSOS) since 2018 in the field of research on disability aids based on human welfare.

mitra NLR Indonesia

Collaboration between NLR Indonesia and LINKSOS for Prevention and Control of Leprosy

Since 2019, NLR Indonesia has been a strategic partner and network of Lingkar Sosial Indonesia (LINKSOS) in efforts to prevent and control leprosy.


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