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UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIYAH MALANG FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE OF POLITICAL SCIENCE ABSTRACT Tri Widodo, 2019, 201510030312021, Social Services for People with Disabilities Based on Participation in Malang “Lingkar Sosial” Foundation. This research aims to determine and describe social services for people with disabilities based on participation in Malang “Lingkar Sosial” foundation. People with disabilities are Indonesian who have the same position, rights, obligations and opportunities and roles in all aspects of life, and livelihood as other Indonesians. The focus of the problem in this research is how the social services for people with disabilities are based on participation. The research is a descriptive qualitative research approach. The subjects of this research were management and caregivers or volunteers. The data were collected by using methods of observation, interviews, and documentation. The researcher is the main instrument in this research. The data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. Whereas the data analysis technique is using an interactive model. Triangulation used by researcher to validate of the data is done by triangulation of source and method. The result of this research showed that social services for the people with disabilities in Malang “Lingkar Sosial” Foundation include: social services, policy advocacy, economic advocacy, educational advocacy and public awareness. Services provided by the “Lingkar Sosial” Foundation are social education services, social rehabilitation services, “home care” social services, and socioeconomic services. Supporting factors for partnership social services, the best facilities, strategic location, and annual event activities. The inhibiting factor is the rejection of people who do not want independence for disabilities because for them it will harm a group that wants to seek benefits from people with disabilities, there is no special personnel in psychological guidance, and the need for professional social workers.


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