Launched Arjuno Inclusion Mission on World Environmental Day

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Sunday, June 6, 2021 Lingkar Sosial Indonesia (LINKSOS) hold climb training in Arjuna Mountain. This training is also to commemorate World Environmental Day that observed annually on June 5. Also as an adaptation in Arjuna Mountain. Because soon Timsus Pendaki Difabel (Disability Climber Special Team) will climb Arjuna Mountain.

The ascent is carried out by people with disabilities who are members of the Sekolah Alam Gunung Wedon (Wedon Mount Nature School), Timsus Pendaki Difabel, Difpala or Difabel Pencinta Alam (Disability Nature Lovers), and Kader Posyandu Disabilitas (Disability Health Centre Community Cadre)

In this hike, LINKSOS launched the Arjuno Inclusion Mission. Arjuno Inclusion is a follow-up to activities with disabilities climbing mountain in 2020, which carries the Mission to Remove Stigma.

The climb starts from the first post, the Ontoboega site. Continuing climb to the site of Petilasan Eyang Madrim. Continue to post 2, Tampuono, and visit the water source, Dewi Kunthi site and to Petilasan Eyang Abiyasa.

“We go to the mountains not to conquer but to stay in touch. No one can conquer mountains. Getting to the top is a bonus,” said Ken Kerta, chairman of Lingkar Sosial Indonesia. From this ascent, it is hoped that the stigma from the disabled will disappear. Also a sense of love for nature and care to the environment is increasing.

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